Pi is simply defined as the ratio of circumference of a circle to its diameter.
That is: Pi = circumference/diameter = 3.1415926535… It is one of the constants we have in Mathematics.
For the convenience of students, Pi is taken to be 22/7. This is not exactly correct. It should be noted that pi is an irrational number. It cannot be expressed exactly as a fraction.
Pi = 3.14159265358979… with the digits going on and on with no specific pattern. The digits keep going on and on without ending. It is a crazy mathematical constant!
Pi with the first 100 decimal places is as follows:
Pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679…
On March 21 2015 , a 21-year-old Indian student, Rajveer Meena set a Guinness World Record on Pi. He memorized 70,000 post-decimal digits of Pi. He made the record by reciting the 𝜋 digits up to 70,000 digits. He did that in 9 hours 27 minutes. Rajveer wore a blindfold throughout the entire recall.
Pi Day
Pi Day is celebrated on March 14th around the world. Why March 14th? March 14 could be written as 3/14. The first three digits of Pi is 3.14.
Pi Approximation Day
Pi Approximation Day is also celebrated on July 22 around the world. Why July 22? July 22 could be written as 22/7 (day/month date format). 22/7 is a common approximation of Pi especially for the convenience of students.
(Photo Credits: www.livescience.com, keywordsuggest.org, etc.usf.edu)
🥧✨ Pi, the mysterious mathematical constant, celebrated worldwide on March 14th and July 22nd! Its infinite, non-repeating digits make it a fascinating subject in mathematics. Did you know that Pi Day is on March 14th because it’s represented as 3/14? Join the celebration of this extraordinary number! #PiDay #Mathematics 🎉📐
Happy Pi Day.