I know you would probably say it’s Mountain Everest.
No! Mountain Everest is not the tallest mountain in the world!
Mountain Mauna Kea in Hawaii, USA is taller than Mountain Everest when both are measured from their respective bases to their tops. The base of Mountain Everest is about the sea-level and its altitude from its base is 8,850m. Mountain Mauna Kea has its base at the bottom of Pacific Ocean and its altitude from its base is 10,210m. So, Mountain Mauna Kea is the tallest mountain in the world. However, Mountain Everest shoots higher in the sky.
However, can you guess what?
The tip or apex of Mountain Everest is not the highest point on the surface of the Earth. The mountain with the highest point on the surface of the Earth is Mountain Chimborazo in Ecuador. Its altitude from the ground is 6,268m. Mountain Chimborazo shoots further into the sky than Mountain Everest. Mountain Chimborazo is not as tall as Mountain Everest. However, Mountain Chimborazo lies on relatively high terrain around the Equator. The terrain gives Mountain Chimborazo the opportunity of being the mountain with the highest point on the surface of the Earth.
(Photo Credits: building-travelling.blogspot.com)
(Photo Credits: woahdude.reddit.com)