Bullying is simply an aggressive use of force or threat to abuse, intimidate or dominate others. A person who bullies others is called a bully. Bullying is usually targeted at those who are weaker or have less power. Bullies usually Read More …
Bullying is simply an aggressive use of force or threat to abuse, intimidate or dominate others. A person who bullies others is called a bully. Bullying is usually targeted at those who are weaker or have less power. Bullies usually Read More …
Some of the dangerous components of a cigarette include: Carbon monoxide: This is a dangerous gas released in car exhaust fumes. Formaldehyde: This is used in preserving dead bodies at mortuaries. Arsenic: This is an ingredient in rat poison. Cadmium: Read More …
Maternal mortality is simply the death of a pregnant woman or a woman who has recently given birth. The cause of maternal mortality is typically due to a complication from the pregnancy or the delivery. Some of the causes include: Read More …
Lightning is simply a natural electrical discharge of very short duration and high voltage between a cloud and the ground or between a cloud and another cloud or within a cloud. It is usually accompanied by a bright flash and thunder. Read More …
Before watching the video, please, I want to beg you in the name of God, don’t cause a fight/conflict between two parties. Please, don’t cause a fight between two animals. Don’t set one animal against another one. Please, don’t cause a fight Read More …